No walkie, no talkie
Well, I seem to have left a bag of stuff somewhere. Or atleast that is what I presume, because I'm suddenly missing one radio, a pair of sunglasses, a pen, and two pairs of socks. The only problem is that I can't think of any reason that I would have put all of these things into one bag. (don't worry dad, I didn't lose your camera)
I managed to be the only gringo in Chile not to get sunburned on the beach yesterday. I guess my momma raised me right. Poor Rocky has to walk around on his burned feet in cowboy boots. We had driven 2 hours down a road very similar to highway 1 California to a nice beach. Problem: I forgot my bathing suite and all I see in the shop windows are bikinis. Preassuming that I had already desided that improvising some sort of speedo was a VERY BAD IDEA, I was going to be stuck sweating in myt pants. Now here's the thing. Normally pants would have been ideal since the previous days were breezy and cool and the water is about 40 degrees. But as it turns out, there had been a southerly wind from the Antartic blowing for the past few days, making it cold. And of course that day, a warm northly wind was blowing. Hey People! I'd only been in country for a week! I didn't know the intricacies of southern hemesphere weather! Anyway, once of my chileana friends found a store that had some suites way in the back, so all was well. Except for the rumor started that Bart was trying on bikinis.
Gary may never live down being seen in public wearing those shorts. But I will say that there was an unusaul number of ladies watching the football match from the sidelines! :)
Those shorts justs keep stealing the show! You are looking at a team that is about to get their butts handed to them on a silver platter by a bunch of 40 year old men. I think the score was 12-3.
This is just a random shot during luch. I like the effect of the yellow wall and the black and white movie still.
This is one of the guys from the church we were playing football with. We were out in one of the apartment blocks doing some productions and talking to people.
This is a flat tire. Aparently no one else in the van had seen one before. I refused to change it because my "buddies" said that I didn't look like the "tire changing type". Watching them trying to figure it out was hilarious!
View from the Freeway.
Well, things are winding down now. We've got one more day of 'real work' to do and then it's a day of sight-seeing and the like. Then we're home. I'll be sad to leave honestly.
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