Friday, February 13

The walking lame.

It's another car trip.
I seem to be making a lot of them lately. My grandma on my dad's side is in the hospital recovering from a knee replacement. It's her third surgery in six months and I think she was getting a little tired of being laid up. As the only member of my immediate family able to, I decided to visit her this Thursday. I had to skip a class to go down to Baytown, sorry Dad. It won't kill me.
Arm Bike
We were under orders not to send anymore flowers or plants, so us kids got together and bought her some books. I hate buying books for someone else to read. Two out of three books that I pick up I suddenly realize are ones that I want to read myself. I'm sure she has absolutely no interest in reading about strategic armorment and mobilization of military forces during the latter part of the 18th century or a digest of Roman law. I ended up getting two biographies of Eisenhower and Lawrence of Arabia. She likes biographies.
My grandpa took me to breakfast that morning at IHOP. It was a better deal than scrounging through the year old cereal they have stuffed away at their house for visitors. They don't eat too much of the stuff themselves.
Gramps finishing his pancakes.

The usual goodies on the table.

Grandma seemed to brighten up a bit while I was there. She is regaining some of her mobility, but she is still very tender.
I guess the only thing funny to come out of the trip was hearing about how my aunt answered the phone. As grandma heard it, the conversation went something like this:

-No, you must have the wrong number.
-No, they aren't here. They must have moved them somewhere else or they died.

No one ever accused her of being sensative. Turns out the caller was a nurse from the front desk doing a servey about patient satisfaction, etc. At least it wasn't some poor family member of a patient!

I'll finish later. Good night.


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