Thoughts While Driving Through the Night.

Rising Star, TX
It's been an endless road through this reaching dark night,
so many hills, so many turns be without eyes.
For my sight was captive to the shimmering sea,
points of hope set into the sky of midnight deep,
the first breaths of light turning it's dance through the night hues of blue.
The grey, the blue, the night,
they are layered within my heart deep.
These constellations of hope hold a twining beauty
above the darkness like none other.
In them is peace, there is hope and stillness full.
Yet their time is already passing away.
Though their beauty is eternal in my heart,
they slip beneath the waves of the on coming dawn,
and sink into the sky, now incomparable to the brilliance of this coming light.
All creation alters in this debut.
All hue and shade turns to color and light.
The beauty and strength of the night is forgotten in the glory of this rising star.
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