There are a few things to cover from the past week or so. First off, it was my birthday last Monday. Unfortunately, I had was sick. I've had some virus or something that's made me miserable since last Sunday night. Happy birthday to me! Oh well. Thank you everyone for all of your cards and notes. It's always nice to be remembered. Caleb managed to talk me nto going to English Club at least to say hello on Monday night. Unbeknownst to me, part of the theme for that night was my birthday. Isa had made a Santiago pastry for me. It had two little red candles that said 23, but one had broken on the way there and so it was kind of sad looking. :) I've never had a better birthday cake. Thanks Isa. Caleb, Lindsey, and Eva gave me a small book about a famous Gallego photographer from the early 1900's, Ksado. I had a great time even though I was feeling pretty miserable.
The other big thing was that Caleb and Lindsey announced this week that they will be moving to Barcelona. They don't know exactly when yet, but it will be in a month or two, possibly before I leave. Eva will be going with them, so I'll be on my own again for a little bit. Oh well, I'll do just fine.
Last Sunday, José Manuel's entire family came into town for the day. Dinner was an all day affair. I was a bit apprehensive because I had been up all night the night before and was pretty tired. But they were wonderful. I had a lot of fun sitting around talking and joking with everyone all day. Even though I had to eat clams, and I really don't like clams. :)
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