Stuck in Tblisi
When Greg and I arrived in Tblisi, Georgia on Friday, we intended to stay only one night and continue on to Yerevan, Armenia on Saturday. Unfortunately, I got some food poisoning (so much for Georgian peaches) and spent most of early Saturday morning getting more acquainted with our toilet. After a house call from a Georgian doctor and her entourage, an injection of saline and one of Demerol (apparently for my slight fever), I was sound asleep and woke up fine this morning, albeit a little weak. Food poisoning is never fun, especially so in another country.
Georgia is so different from Azerbaijan. I expected to see much more in the way of evidence of the Soviet Union in crummy apartment blocks and the like, but the area we're seems to have retained much of it's local character despite the Soviet's best efforts. We haven't done much site seeing because of my little episode, but we have to return her later this week on our way back to Turkey. We hope to finish up then.
Hey Bart-- did you know that on May 10th of this year a grenade was thrown at President Bush as he was giving a speech at Freedom Square in Tblisi, Georgia? The speech was given to celebrate Georgia's independence from Russia. It looks like, from the reports, that the grenade hit some person and fell to the ground, about 100 feet from the stage Bush was standing on. I thought the name "Tblisi" sounded familiar...
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