Tuesday, December 6

Getting the bills paid.

I accepted a job offer today with the company I've been contracting to since July. Its a good first "real job" and I'm happy to be working with the guys at Reddwerks Corp. Funny thing was that I had been pushing for it for a long time, and having finally got it, I had to stop and think about whether or not I was sure I wanted it.

There is a lot of gravity in a moment in life like this and it's easy to get caught up in it. It's even easier to get pulled into the momentum of the next big step. The next promotion, the next job, the next, the next... It makes one feel like he could wake up in twenty years in some place he never intended to go. Not that I'm not open to the unexpected, the unseen opportunities. I'm not so foolish as to believe that what I want now is what I'll want in twenty years. Still, when I come to that moment when I give up one direction for another, I want to be there, awake and choosing. "The way it's suppose to be done" isn't always the way it has to be done. And it would be a shame to allow convention and momentum to rob me of my choices.


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