So, I'm standing outside of this cafe yesterday, waiting for my new intercambio person to show up at 6 o'clock. I don't know her name yet, and I told her that I would be wearing a green T-shirt with a black vest so that she could know who I was. The problem is that it had gotten a lot colder and had begun to rain. But I can't put on a sweater, or she won't recognize me. So I'm standing under the eaves of this cafe getting wet and shivering. I look up at the sky, and the sun is in my eyes (as well as the rain). It's bright and sunshiny two blocks away, but it's pouring down cold rain on me! Six o'clock passes. Six fifteen passes. Finally, I give up at 6:20 and go home, having never seen anyone remotely fitting her description. I get home fifteen minutes later, wet and cold. I check my mobil phone which I had forgotten to take with me, and she had sent me a text saying, "It's 6:25 and I'm here at the cafe door. Where are you!?" :) Apparently, her bus was late or something.
I think she must be a student from Andalucia in the south, because Spaniards around these parts are actually fairly punctual.
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