Killing the Roommate
I made some chili con carne for dinner tonight. Josè Manuel almost died. I think we´re going to get along just fine!
Most of the time, when I write, it's to keep track of where I am. Some things you wish you hadn't written. Some things surprise you with a clarity that was forgotten in a moment long past.
I made some chili con carne for dinner tonight. Josè Manuel almost died. I think we´re going to get along just fine!
Stepping off the last plane and walking into my last airport terminal yesterday found me ten minutes ahead of schedule, minus two bags and one ride home. Its funny how these things don't bother me anymore. Granted I was in a quasi-alive, stuporous state, but I had arrived completely with anything I would ever really need. The ride was coming soon cause the friends were late. I didn't know what was going on, but I knew that they would take care of me, cause I know my friends. And who cares about the bags.
"At the end of his essay, [John] captured an amazing conversation between
Jesus and Peter. Jesus keeps saying to Peter, "Do you love me?" And
Peter keeps saying,"Yes, yes I do; You know that I do, " but Jesus doesn't
believe Peter and keeps asking him the same question again and again. It's
quite dramatic, really. The way John writes about Jesus makes you feel like the
sum of our faith is a kind of constant dialogue about whether or not we love
Him. I grew up believing that a Christian didn't have to love God or
anybody else; he just had to believe some things and be willing to take a stand
for the things he believed in. John seemed to embrace the relational dynamic of our faith."-Donald Miller, Searching for God Knows