Saturday, January 28

My Words

I've been thinking about this blog thing. It's difficult to post on a regular basis. And even if you do, the tendency is to devolve into reports on the daily routine.

ie. Today, I went to the store. I ran into (input so-and-so's name) and we talked about (whatever). Then I had lunch at a new restaurant. Then I had to work late even though work was boring.

The other tendency (which I may be partial to) is to never post until you are irritated enough about something to go off on a long winded rant. It's not interesting and it doesn't benefit anyone, neither informing, nor encouraging.

ie. I really hate people who write stupid blogs! There should be a tax on poor grammar and small minds who write dumb things that waste my time!

I've often also been tempted to post some short stories, poetry and the like but felt it didn't really fit with the didactic mood of a blog. I made a small effort to add some creative aspect to it by linking my photos at flikr to the page, but then I may also be partial to being too lazy to upload photos to flikr.


Here's the skinny. The page is under reconstruction. While posts on the main page will continue to be commentary (pointless or not) on day to day stuff, there will be a new section reserved for more... literary formats (ie. poetry, short stories, and treaties). The flickr link will continue although I have moved more towards writing than photography these days. With any small amount of discipline, I'll actually carry out these plans and have a half way meaningful outlet for my so-called creative tendencies. Or just to be annoying.