Tuesday, July 26

Just a little nap

Just a little nap, originally uploaded by bartemeo-negro.

I took a little trip up to Tulsa weekend before last with Beth. We hit this huge thunderstorm right at Dallas, but that gave us an excuse to stop and eat at Gloria's.

Charlie (or as Louis calls him, "Poop Factory") is a little cutie. Julie is doing fine being a new mother. Of course, I'm already fairly experienced at being an uncle, so no problems there.

I borrowed some camera equipment from a friend for the weekend and tried to take a few rolls of baby pictures for them, but none of them turned out, unfortunately. I had no idea what I was doing cause I'd never used any of it before. Oh well, at least I got a few digital ones. Hit the link to my Flickr page at the top of this page for more pics of him. (Charlie, not Louis.)

Friday, July 15

Supposedly off to see the wizard

Well, we're aren't headed to Kansas, but I figured Oklahoma was close enough. Beth and I are off to Tulsa to see our new nephew, Charlie. Oh... I guess we'll say hi to his parents while we're there, too. There should be some baby pics soon on the their way. We're also stuffing a toilet into my trunk to bring with us. Did I mention how surreal my family gets? Beth just remodeled her bathroom and Julies wants the still-good hardware.

Nine hours on the road, HO!!