Tuesday, May 24

Sitting Quietly

Sitting Quietly, originally uploaded by bartemeo-negro.

For full size, follow link to Flickr webpage and select 'all size' button above photo.

Friday, May 6

the ONE campaign

"He has shown you, oh man, what is good and what the Lord requires of you; but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

-Micah 6:8

Not because you should, but because you can.
Not because they are in need of receiving, but because you are in need of giving.
Not because you love, but because you are loved.
Not for guilt, but for joy.

Tuesday, May 3

Some mornings are just like that...

Torn Into Morning:

If you took apart my soul
Then there would be joy
One piece long, one piece hollow
So many pieces
Now dust I cannot swallow

I opened up my eyes to morning
It wasn't much to look at
Her words, they took the life from me
One word, two words, then too many
They fell upon a waking patient
And back to sleep I did flee

The night, it hides me safe and sound
These hands when lay beside my face
They cannot harm
The wicked root and bitter fruit
Sit idly upon the table lace

Don't wake me light nor bolt of thunder
I am not able to breath this morning air
When the day breaks she speaks her cares to me
They call me up and out to go
But my heart is weak, I'd rather slumber

As night is torn open into day
Stand tall, stand strong, but stand not close
Our garments yet are full of thistles
Inflicting wounds with Love's embrace
Each kindness, disgrace in heavy dose

It takes a while to be well known
To be inside and look around
It's hard to leave the space inside
And find out in what house you do reside
Though all the world can see your face
Until you know it, you are alone


Monday, May 2

The Bun Run

This was actually a week ago, but I've been too lazy to get it posted. It was a beautiful morning for a run: cool and clear. I decided to carry my camera with me and "document" my first race. I got some strange looks, but I figured, "Hey! At least I'm not the guy running in the giant sandwich costume."

(This guy beat me.) (This guy looks like he want to beat me.)

The only picture I didn't take that day. I was suppose to run with these guys, but we couldn't find each other before the race. Oh well. At least I still beat the sandwich guy.