Take a seat.
Most of the time, when I write, it's to keep track of where I am. Some things you wish you hadn't written. Some things surprise you with a clarity that was forgotten in a moment long past.
This Easter was special for me. Ayako is a friend of mine from Japan that I've known for about a year now. A few weeks ago, she called me out of the blue and wanted to ask me how to become a Christian. I got the opportunity to share with her how to accept salvation through Christ and to tell her a bit of my own experience. We talked for 3 and a half hours until she finally ran out of questions. She accepted Christ a few days later and was baptized on Easter Sunday. The rest of the pictures are from later that day at dinner with friends who came to watch the baptism.
I seem to be developing this bad habbit now that I've got my handy digital camera that just slips into my pocket. Anytime I'm just sitting around, I start looking around me at the photos I could take. I sat in an empty classroom today for two hours studying for a test, but I kept finding myself taking breaks to take pictures. Oh well, I still did alright on the test.